Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26 - Day 24

Cavemen, shower, fist-pumping.

As usual, we hopped onto the bus without a clue about the destination. We had no idea we would be traveling to another province, we never saw the faintest sign of a thunderstorm, neither did we see ourselves as 52 cavemen. A surprise they call it and a surprise it was: Carleton Shads traveled to Parc Gatineau, Quebec and did some serious caving.

The park was absolutely beautiful; so beautiful that it made our five kilometers hike feel like four. Though it took us twice as long to slither our way through the cave than expected, I am proud to announce that there were neither screams nor injuries. The twenty minutes of downpour that shortly followed, on the other hand, brought out the evil within us: the shameless fights over umbrellas and rain jackets are better kept unmentioned.

The afternoon featured an insightful chat with Barry Bisson, President of Shad Valley International, and two amazing lectures by David Sinclair and Krish Suranthiran on neutrinos and the possibilities of life.

At the end of another day full of laughter and cheers, the Red House managed to put together a surprise birthday dance party for John and Jason in a matter of hours. In the words of a questionable artist, it was fun fun fun fun, and I can speak for all of us when I say we don’t want this week to end.

Elsie Piao, Shad Valley Carleton '11
Hometown: Burnaby, BC