Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20 - Day 18

What is a smile? It’s a facial expression made possible by the zygomaticus major and risorius muscles. Today at Shad Valley Queen’s, the once familiar facial expression became a multitude of things. In the morning the smiles were grimaces as we courageously ventured forth into Frontenac Park, under the blazing sun. Those muscles were tense for all the entire time when we grinded our teeth as we flailed our arms through a forest of bugs. Near noon the grimaces relaxed into happy sighs as we rested in an air conditioned haven. Soft smiles crept on to our faces as we fell asleep on the bus ride back to Queen’s. Bliss.

Whether we’re relaxing or working, unconscious or conscious, a smile—or perhaps one of its many close cousins is always there. Perhaps it is the ubiquitous indicator for how we feel here at Shad: happy.

Yes, happiness, the fuzzy feeling that we all get when we’re delighted, pleased, or satisfied with something great in life. It’s the same feeling that many of us probably felt again tonight when we saw Homer finally win the National Science Fair in the movie October Sky. Better yet, it’s the feeling of watching Homer’s inspiring moment with a room of inspiring friends.

Smile Shads, smile.

Kathy Zhang, Shad Queen’s University 2011
Hometown: North York, ON